Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Naxalism...India's Taliban

Today Naxalism poses greater challenges than ever thought of. I am from Jharkhand and my state and so many adjoining states like West Bengal, Chhatisgarh, Bihar, Orrisa face bandhs sponsored by Maoists almost 10-15 days a month. All these states are politically and economically very week, so the bandhs(strikes) are almost successful rather say so successful that the vehicles movement on highways are almost crippled. All the business activities, on highways and adjoining villages, come to a halt. This is a very dangerous sign for the economy of these states. Jharkhand particularly suffers a lot because all the major industries fall in naxal hit areas and they come to a complete halt. Some of the industrial projects are not kicking off because of this menace.

I am sorry to say but if the government doesn't pay heed to this problem at the earliest then this is going to be India's Taliban and we will have to fight this enemy within like Pakistan. The only difference is that Pakistan nurtured Taliban like her baby and we are nurturing this baby called Naxalism not directly but indirectly by sheer ignorance rather say that with some political patronage too.

Mr. Home Minister says that we need a proper planning to beat this enemy but we don't see any active or solid effort by the government in this direction. This was very horrifying to see a taliban style murder of a cop in Jharkhand by Maoists. This should be taken as a stern warning by Maosits and they are capable of doing anything and everything now. Our state machineries look so very helpless to fight this war alone. They just don't have quality manpower, strong police force, modern arms and ammunitions, intelligence etc. to fight this war. so it is almost impossible if we believe that they will do it alone.

We need a single specialized force which will be working all across the various states and then fight this war. Now, when all the affected state governments have given their consent to central government then the central government must take it seriously and start working on it.

So wake up Chidambram !!

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