Thursday, October 8, 2009

Incredible India or Bharat ?

Incredible India !! This punch line fills us with lot of pride when we see the advertisement by Indian Tourism Department because they show different colours of India..which makes our beautiful country unique and special. Yes, India is special. But have we ever tried and seen beyond the blue mountains of Ladakh ? Have we ever seen beyond the beautiful Taj Mahal ? Have we ever seen beyond the magnificent forts of Rajasthan ?

With all these natural and man made colours we also have some dark sides of it when we talk of various debates like "India vs. Bharat" or "Tale of two Indias". Today we may talk of corruption and numerous other problems which may force us to rethink India's future as a prosperous and a great country. There are many writings on various stories, which may send negative vibes. But I feel what makes India special and a unique country is her great people and values.

We all know that today the world is going through a historical recession and it all started by credit crunch in the US and European countries. All great analysts of wall street attributed it to the credit defaults by huge number of people, who had bad credit history. In the US or any first world economies debt is never seen as important obligation as in India. To know the answer we just need to visit any village in India and ask the same question to our humble farmers. The biggest example is the number of suicide cases of farmers in our country. I am not justifying, if a farmer commits suicide if he is not able to pay his debt. My point is that the mere thought of debt is so very horrifying for a farmer that if he finds himself unable to repay he even thinks of committing suicide. Why doesn't he default and rest in peace like any American ? Simply because the great Indian values (rather say bhartiya values) define a very thick line across all the liabilities for a man and debt will bear the highest priority. The humble farmer may have various options like absconding, defaulting, stealing or getting into some crime to repay the debt, but he will not get into any wrong doings rather he will choose to end his life in shame that he couldn't carry his duties properly and repay on time. That too it was just not his fault that he couldn't repay on time rather it was because of poor rain or some drought. To put in straight words it was state's failure to make all the necessary arrangements for farming and irrigation. In the extreme condition also, the poor Indian farmer never complains and he chooses to accept everything, what comes his way. Farming being the largest occupation of India, there is no doubt that most of these people are so humble & great in their thinking & values that we can't even think of. So when we talk of "India vs. Bharat", we fail to note this difference of thinking and values between the people of India and Bharat. India might be getting away from these great values but Bharat is still sticking to it.

America and other first world countries can boast of producing the largest wall street banks, greatest technology companies, greatest CEOs, world famous univerties but it failed to inculcate the values which majority of Indians get by default. I feel these values and humble farmers make Bharat and not India, the greatest country on earth.

Incredible Bharat !!

1 comment:

  1. This was too good ,,,,, i am impressed by your thinking and the way you have tried to connected things..

    kudos ..keep going ,,,

